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Economics & Financial Asset Management

We teach professional knowledge in response to changes in global economic environments and financial markets of the 21st century.

We promote growth so learners can grow into wise people of talent who can understand the financial market and make rational investment decisions based on economic theories.

The Department of Economics & Financial Asset Management image

About Department of Economics & Financial Asset Management

A department that aims to integrate economic theories
and the practice of asset management

The Department of Economic & Financial Asset Management was established to cultivate people of talent who can systematically study financial markets based on economic theories and apply this practically to asset management. The curriculum of the department is systematically organized, teaching economic theories, financial theories, and asset management theories with practical content that can be used in the field of finance, and it is also optimized for the attainment of representative certification in each financial sector, such as in banks, securities, and insurance.

The curriculum of the Department of Economics & Financial Asset Management goes beyond traditional classroom learning. Through the activities of the department's specialized club, the 'Smart Investment Lab,' established for practical education, students gain hands-on experience in systematically analyzing the current economic situation and financial markets and applying this knowledge directly to asset management.

Department Features

Nurturing experts of
various economic and financial activities

  • Corporate Talent

    Those who can properly use their expert understanding of economic motives for corporate marketing and HR
  • Financial Talent

    Those who can apply their knowledge to the financial market and are capable of financial planning and financial asset design by acquiring the license for asset management
  • Strategic Talent

    Those who can apply their strategic thinking skills based on industry analysis and game theory
  • Public Talent

    Those who can perform macroeconomic-related tasks in areas such as finance, budget, inflation, and public policy

Cultivating practical skills of students through educational programs in the Department of Economics & Finance Asset Management

  • Research and Discussion-based Education on Relevant Issues

    Proving education to study, analysze, and discuss various economic phenomena, corporate matters, and industrial organization issues that occur in reality to overcome the limitations of theory-based studies
  • Education for Practical Knowledge of Financial Markets

    Training to cultivate talented human resources who possess the practical knowledge required for successful participation in the financial market
  • Courses for Obtaining Financial Certificates

    Practical educational content that focuses on the acquisition of various financial certificates
  • Education Designed to Highlight Rationality of Financial Designs at the Individual Level

    Providing education to increase the rationality of lifelong financial design and economic consumption at the individual level

Support Benefits and Education Features

The Department of Economics & Financial Asset Management at Hanyang Cyber University systematically teaches the core of finance and asset management based on understanding macro and micro economic phenomena.

The post-COVID19 economy is filled with uncertainty and thus the need for efficient asset management is greater than ever. Financial assets include not only traditional institutions such as banks, insurance companies, securities firms (for funds, bonds, stocks), but also real estate agencies for securitization products such as REITs, futures investments in real assets including gold and oil, and currency investments in dollars, euros, and yen. The department seeks to train financial expects in preparation for the future of uncertainty by educating students about each asset's characteristics, investment methods, and risk management. Students learn not only theory but also practical sensibilities. After successfully completing certain courses, students are provided assistance to obtain one or more of several financial certificates.

The Department of Economics & Financial Asset Management can be said to be a field of lifelong education for those who would like to learn about retirement planning. These including individuals: (1) who are currently working in the financial field but want to gain more knowledge and learn systematically; (2) who would like to work in the financial field after acquiring various financial certificates; (3) who understand economic phenomena, possess strategic thinking skills, and would like to find employment at a related company; and (4) who would like to create retirement plans in the form of asset management or startups after retirement.

Sharing educational infrastructure with Hanyang University, the department offers realistic educational content through various major theories and offline practical courses. Through active offline activities, students can interact and network with professionals in the industry. The aim of the program is to produce economic and finance experts who will be active in both the domestic and global markets.
Characteristics of Education Infrastructure
  • Outstanding educational content from top professors at home and abroad
  • Credit exchange with Hanyang University
  • Major intensive education through 3 detailed tracks
  • Practice-oriented lectures focusing on research and discussion
  • Guidance on advancing to renowned online and offline graduate schools at home and abroad
  • Active alumni network
  • Cultivating knowledge and expertise of students through the curriculum
  • Student welfare benefits and courses linked to overseas internships

Major-related Certificates

ScopeRelated certificates
BankBranch salesAsset Manager (Bank FP), Foreign Exchange Manager, bank teller
Asset managementInvestment Asset Manager, Financial Risk Manager (FRM), CFA, Foreign Exchange Manager, Financial Investment ANALYST
Risk managementFinancial Risk Manager (FRM), CFA
Debt collectionDebt Manager, Judicial Scrivener
Securities companyBranch sales and asset managementInvestment Asset Manager, Financial Risk Manager (FRM), Financial Investment ANALYST
Insurance companyInsurance salesVariable Insurance Seller, Comprehensive Asset Manager (Insurance FP)
Insurance compensationAdjuster of Damage
Insurance designActuary
Asset managementFinancial Risk Manager (FRM)
Investment Trust management companyAsset managementInvestment Asset Manager, Financial Risk Manager (FRM), Financial Investment ANALYST
Credit agencySales/Receivable CollectionReceivable Manager
Trading companyMoney ManagementForeign Exchange Manager, International Trader, Customs Agent
OthersCertified Public Accountant, Licensed Real Estate Agent, Tax Accountant, Appraiser, Lawyer, etc.

Department Outlook

Careers after Graduation

Pine trees in the university


  • Online Education Program for Creative Talent

    Effective Education Infrastructure
    Informative lectures by professors who combine theory and practice
    Regular upgrading of lecture quality through the lecture development management system
    Structured and Detailed Curriculum
    Three stages of subdivided major tracks
    Providing various lecture contents through convergence with other major
    Specialized Lectures According to Students’ Needs
    Providing specialized lectures such as for startups and information utilization technology according to learners’ needs
    Support for various career options after graduation through systematic lectures
    Support for Online Learning Tailored to Students’ Needs
    Convenient class schedule allowing for self-study and self-practice
    Flexible curriculum that allows for both work and study
    High-quality General Studies Subjects
    Comprehensive educational content in five areas, including the humanities and social sciences
    Availability of extra classes for obtaining certificates and utilizing programs
  • Professional Network through OFFLINE Support System

    Support for Admission to Master's and Doctoral Degree Programs
    Guidance on admission to renowned domestic and overseas graduate schools such as Hanyang University and Sejong University
    Support for scholarship benefits when attending Hanyang Cyber University Graduate School
    Support for Employment through Industry-academia Cooperation
    Students benefit from HYCU’s industry-academic cooperation relationship with 613 leading domestic companies
    Opportunities to meet with experts through support of corporate education programs
    Support for Startup Preparation and Overseas Education
    Forums and mentoring programs available through startup support group
    Overseas field experience through Jangbogo Trade Seminar
    Peer and Alumni Networking
    Opportunities to meet alumni to experienes with economic phenomena and corporate issues
    Networking through offline special lectures with invited experts
    Welfare Benefits for Students in Needs
    Discounts on medical treatment for students and their family members when using the Hanyang University Medical Center
    Support for credit exchange with Hanyang University and use of its various facilities