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Electrical, Electronic, & Communication Engineering

Be the true leader of this era who practices love.

Information System and Communication Engineering

Subjects by track and area of Information System and Communication Engineering

Subjects by track and area of Information System and Communication Engineering
Track Level100Level200Level300Level400
Shared course
  • Introduction to Electric, Electronic, and Information Communications

  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers

  • Understanding Linux Basic

  • University Mathematics

  • C Programming Basic

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • Python Programming

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  • Engineering Economics(Level 200)

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Information system
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  • Introduction to Data Science

  • Java Programing

  • System Analysis & Design

  • Web Client-side Programming

  • Web Technology

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Introduction to Web Service and Application

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  • Data Base

  • Intelligent Robotics

  • Information Processing Technology

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  • Information Retrieval and Big Data

  • Linux Network Server Administration

  • Big Data and Enterprise Information Systems

  • Block Chain

  • Android Programming

  • Computer Graphics and VR

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  • Information Systems Audit

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

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  • Electromagnetics

  • Digital Logic Circuit

  • Introduction to Data Communication

  • Computer Network

  • Circuit Theory

  • Electronic Circuit

  • Microprocessor

  • Telecommunication Theory

  • Microwave Engineering

  • Wireless Communication Technology

  • Communication Device and Facility

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  • Mobile Communications

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  • The Internet of Things

  • Network Security

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Roadmap of Information System and Communication Engineering Curriculum

Roadmap of Information System and Communication Engineering Curriculum
  • Introduction to Electric, Electronic, and Information Communications

  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers

  • University Mathematics

  • Engineering Mathematics

  • C Programming Basic

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  • Microprocessor

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Common in electric and electronic communication fieldsCore
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  • Recommended Core Courses Electromagnetics

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  • Recommended Core Courses Laboratory Exercises for Digital Fundamentals

  • Recommended Core Courses Circuit Theory

  • Recommended Core Courses Electronic Circuit

  • Recommended Core Courses Laboratory Exercises for Electronic Devices

  • Recommended Core Courses Microprocessor

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  • Engineering Economics

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Electronics fieldCore
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  • Digital Logic Circuit

  • Recommended Core Courses C++ Language

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  • Semiconductor Engineering

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  • Automatic Control

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  • Mechatronics

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  • Embedded System

  • Recommended Core Courses Digital System Design

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Electronics fieldCore
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  • Recommended Core Courses Power Electronics

  • Electrical Installation Engineering

  • Illumination Engineering

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  • Electric Machinery and Application

  • Graduation project PLC Control

  • Generation Transmission and Distribution Engineering

  • New Renewable Energy

  • Energy Storage and Transmission

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  • Vehicle Electricity Engineering

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  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

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Communication fieldCore
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  • Introduction to Data Communication

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  • Graduation project Computer Network

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  • Recommended Core Courses Telecommunication Theory

  • Microwave Engineering

  • Wireless Communication Technology

  • Communication Device and Facility

  • Blockchain

  • Mobile Communications

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  • The Internet of Things

  • Network Security

Information fieldCore
  • Recommended Core Courses Telecommunication Theory

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  • Python Programming

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  • Introduction to Data Science

  • Java Programing

  • System Analysis & Design

  • Web Technology

  • Recommended Core Courses Linux Network Server Administration

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  • Data Base

  • Web Client-side Programming

  • AI Software

  • Web System Programming

  • Artificial Intelligence

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  • Android Programming

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  • Web Client- Side Programming

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  • Intelligent Robotics

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  • Big Data and Enterprise Information Systems

  • Information Retrieval and Big Data

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  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

  • Information Systems Audit

Graduation subject
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  • Graduation project Project on Information and Communications

  • Graduation project Project on Information and Communications

  • Recommended by the communications engineering track
  • Recommended by the information systems engineering track
  • Graduation Project
  • Tel
  • Office Tel. +82-2-2290-0314