HyoungDo Kim is a full professor of the School of Business Administration at the Hanyang Cyber University (HYCU). As a chair of MIS major in the undergraduate school and a chair of ITMBA major in the Graduate School of HYCU, he is actively leading on-line education . He received his Ph.D. and Master’s degrees from the Department of Management Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. Prof. Kim received his BA from the Department of Industrial Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea. For more than 6 years, he worked for a telecommunication company in the research of EC (Electronic Commerce) and Internet services. He has been taking part in Korean e-business standardization efforts, including Korea ebXML committee and ECIF (Integrated Forum for Electronic Commerce). He published his research papers in international refereed journals such as Decision Support Systems, ACM SIGMOD Record, IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Expert Systems and Applications, and so on. His research interests are directed toward data mining (business intelligence), electronic commerce, business processes and workflow systems, digital watermarking, and e-learning (on-line education).
Lee Ji Eun Professor
Career and academic background
∙ Ph.D. Hanyang University, 2010(Information Technology management)
∙ M.S. Hanyang University, 2004(Information Technology management)
∙ B. S Hanyang University, 1996(Educational Technology)
Professional Experience
∙ Research Professor, R&D Center for Knowledge Services at Sogang University
∙ Parliamentary Assistant, National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
∙ Director, Shinsegae Co., Ltd.
∙ Research Interest
MIS, MOT, e-Learning & Edutech, startup accelerating