Common |
Introduction to Electric, Electronic, and Information Communications
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
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Electronic | | |
Laboratory Exercises for Digital Fundamentals
Laboratory Exercises for Digital Fundamentals
Fundermental of Microprocessor
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Semiconductor | | | | |
Physics for Electronic Engineering
Fabrication Process in Semiconductor
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Semiconductor Design Fundamentals
Integrated Circuit Design
Recent Semiconductor Technologies
Semiconductor Packaging Engineering
Semiconducto Quality Engineering
System Semoconductor Design
Communications | | | Introduction to Data Communication
| | | Communication Device and Facility
| | |
Information | | | Web Client-Side Programming Introduction to Data Science
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Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
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Information Retrieval and Big Data
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Graduation | | | | | | | Graduation Project (Common Opening for the 1st and 2nd Semesters)
Project on Semiconductor System Engineering
| Graduation Project (Common Opening for the 1st and 2nd Semesters)
Project on Semiconductor System Engineering